Note from the Editor

Welcome to our June/July Newsletter celebrating all things FDRIO, and featuring FDRIO members on the move.  After discussion and consultation, we’ve decided to evolve this Newsletter into a bi-monthly format.  You can see the new groups of topics below for the editions to the end of 2020. Look for richer content and deeper analysis as we develop our new approach. 

FDRIO started with a vision of bringing together family dispute resolution professionals from across disciplines and who had different training and perspectives. We sought to change the dynamic of professional organizations. We knew that we could learn from each other only if we respected each other and that we all had value to offer families experiencing relationship breakdown. We knew that advocacy for family clients could not pit one profession against another; we needed the strength of mediators, arbitrators, financial professionals, lawyers, mental health professionals and lay coaches and consultants to develop great ideas, conferences and training.  

So when we get together, it may be like a raucous family dinner party, but we are building a better future for families by sharing our passion and vision. On a personal note, I want to thank the Board and many individual FDRIO members for helping me on my personal journey to transition from government executive, often tasked with saying no to innovation and change, to small business owner, navigating in a world of possibility.

The pandemic has taught us about the fragility of a life’s work. We may have joked in the past that we could be hit by a bus tomorrow, but COVID-19 has been the bus driving randomly through neighbourhoods, families and communities.  Four months ago, we did not know that the most essential people in our communities picked crops and sold groceries or cleaned and disinfected buildings.  We certainly know that now.

And more change is coming, and we are preparing and pivoting to respond to that change.  Life in 2020 is a winding journey, and I am glad you are along for the ride.

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