Kayla has a Paralegal educational background and is currently an Adjudicator, Qualified Mediator/ Arbitrator with a specialty in Family Law. Kayla has over 16 years of experience in the legal field, and of those years, 8 of them Kayla was employed by the Ministry of Attorney General in various roles. Kayla is currently principal of her own Mediation Firm, incorporated in 2016. Kayla has certificates from Osgoode Hall Law School Professional Development in Provincial Offences Court Practice and Adjudication for Administrative Agencies Boards and Tribunals, as well as Certificates in Judicial and Administrative Tribunals Competencies from the Ontario Bar Association. Kayla volunteers as Chair on a board at a community legal clinic in the GTA. Kayla also volunteers as an executive member of the Association of Community Legal Clinics of Ontario. Kayla is also Co-Chair of the ACLCO- Race Equity and Advisory Committee of the ACLCO. Kayla is an Equity Diversity and Inclusion presenter and an Advisory Committee Member of the Diversified Dispute Resolution Institute of Canada. Kayla has a passion for racial equity, social justice, advocacy, and access to justice.