Neil Maisel
Julie Gill
FDRIO is fortunate to have a large membership of financial professionals with a wide range of expertise. We hope you will consider volunteering to contribute your knowledge to the work of our section!
Many of our members belong to the more traditional sectors— Chartered Professional Accountants, Chartered Business Valuators, Forensic Accountants, and Actuaries. Such professionals provide services such as income determination, business valuation, pension valuations, other asset valuation, and complex tax planning/structuring.
Many other of our members are Certified Financial Planners, Registered Retirement Consultants, Certified Divorce Financial Analysts, or Chartered divorce Financial Specialists. These professionals provide invaluable expertise and support to parties in all FDR processes including tax and investment planning, budget assistance, support illustrations, assistance with completing financial disclosure, and illustration of settlement options for parties.
The diverse field of Financial Professionals is growing and evolving. We hope you will join FDRIO and work with us to network, share ideas and grow our practices together.