The Crowe Soberman Award

In 2016, Crowe Soberman LLP established the Crowe Soberman Award awarded annually at the FDRIO AGM in November to a professional that works in family dispute resolution:

Contribution to the Field of FDR
Mentoring other professionals, teaching, professional writing and projects that enhance the field of family dispute resolution.

Advocacy for Innovation and Systemic Change in FDR
Demonstrated leadership, vision, and creativity in improving access to justice for
resolving family conflicts. Recipients may be involved in practice or legislative reform, a special event, unique project, research, public education, teaching, writing or professional practice.

Support of Vulnerable Clients
A significant contribution to ensuring safety and equity for vulnerable family members through research, teaching, advocacy, or professional leadership.


Nominations are now closed for the 2024 Crowe Soberman Award. Please stay tuned for the 2025 nomination period!

* Please explain how the person you are nominating meets the criteria for the Crowe Soberman award

Past Crowe Soberman Award Recipients

2016     Chris Bentley

2017     Dr. Barbara Fidler

2018     Thomas Dart

2019     Dr. Rachel Birnbaum

2020     Hilary Linton

2021     Lorne Wolfson

2022    Antoinette Clarke

2023    Justice Gertrude F. Speigel

2024 Award Recipient

At the 2024 Annual Conference, The FDR Toolbox we honoured one of the original FDRIO founders, Dr. Barabara Landau for her dedication and significant contribution to family dispute resolution.

Dr. Barbara Landau



OTTAWA, Ontario—Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada, invested 1 Companion (C.C.), 12 Officers (O.C.) and 40 Members (C.M.) into the Order of Canada during a ceremony at Rideau Hall.
The Order of Canada is one of our country’s highest honours. Appointments are made for sustained achievement at three levels: Companion, Officer and Member. Officers and Members may be elevated within the Order in recognition of further achievements, based on continued exceptional or extraordinary service to Canada.

OTTAWA (Ontario) — Son Excellence la très honorable Mary Simon, gouverneure générale du Canada, a investi 1 compagnon (C.C.), 12 officiers (O.C.) et 40 membres (C.M.) dans l'Ordre du Canada lors d'une cérémonie à Rideau Hall.
L’Ordre du Canada est l’une des plus hautes distinctions honorifiques de notre pays. Les nominations sont faites pour des réalisations durables à trois niveaux : compagnon, officier et membre. Les officiers et les membres peuvent être élevés au sein de l'Ordre en reconnaissance de leurs réalisations supplémentaires, basées sur un service continu exceptionnel ou extraordinaire rendu au Canada.

Credit/Mention de source : Sgt/Le Sgt Anis Assari, Rideau Hall, OSGG-BSGG