Update on Parenting Coordination in Saskatchewan

On July 15, 2019 The Miscellaneous Statues (Family dispute Resolution) Amendment Act, 2018 Regulation, as they relate to parent coordinators and family arbitrators, came in to force.

For Saskatchewan families this means that an application may be made to a Judge presiding in Chambers for an order that the parties to a family law dispute be directed to parent coordination or family arbitration. The Regulations with respect to collaborative services and family mediation will roll out in the next few months.

Soon, it will mandatory that parties certify they have completed one of the four dispute resolution processes before the close of pleadings.

I have been providing consultations to the Provincial Government in her capacity as President of the Collaborative Professionals of Saskatchewan and as an expert on the subject matter with respect to parent coordination. I am currently the only parent coordinator who has met the qualifications set out in The Children’s Law (Parenting Coordinators) Amendment Regulations. Ms. Charmaine Panko is one of only three family arbitrators who has met the respective qualifications in that area. WE have been in discussions with Kim Newsham, Crown Counsel, regarding the importance of training dispute resolution providers in the area of PC specifically. As well, all service providers will need to certify that they have completed family violence training.

My mission is to help pave a pathway for better processes to resolve family disputes without court intervention.

Kayla C. DeMars-Krentz is a family and collaborative lawyer and parenting coordinator. She is an associate with Butz and Company, Barristers and Solicitors, in Regina, Saskatchewan. She is President of the Board of Directors of Collaborative Professionals of Saskatchewan and the liason between ADR Saskatchewan and the ADRIC Board of Directors.

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